Friday, September 18, 2009

my ideal school

this would be my school The school that I would want to go would have to start at 9am and go till 4pm , the teachers would have to be fun and energetic here is the basic layout of my school for the most part. The first hour would always be gym to wake people up so they don’t fall asleep in class because if you go through the whole day sleepy you probably would not learn as much. After gym you would have one of core classes that you have the most trouble in. the reason why is I have a easier time learning after I have done something to get my blood moving 2nd hr if your still tired you can take a nap to fill up your elective hour and if you are not you can just go down to the computer labs and play games and other stuff. 3rd hr would be your core class like math and from math you go to luch to hangout with friends and eat at my school there would be a balance of healthy and sort of junk food and the lunch room would have to be outside covered in a glass dome.
After lunch you have a 30min work out because you’re most likely to go home and sit around. 4th hr would be your favorite core class like mine would be science and then you go on from there
5th hr would be something you need to know for what you would like to go into like how to repair things like a mechanic or other jobs you would like to have
6th hr is history depending on what you want about history for that year

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