Wednesday, September 23, 2009

my favorite teacher

My favorite teacher would have to be my 6th grade science teacher. For this class he would play games with everyone do lots of labs I think that was the year I had learned the most about science. For the most part we didn’t do any language arts because that was the year all the schools got moved around so all the teachers didn’t have some of the stuff they needed for some of their classes. Here is an example of what I mean one of my friends had language arts stuff but not science and I had science stuff but no language arts but I liked that year because of my teacher because there was no language arts for most part. The thing is with this teacher he would buy stuff to help are learning environment.
The thing I liked the most was he would let us have extra time out side ifall the classes scores averaged out to A's on test or we all got our home work in.
The thing I like that we had almost1 time every 2 months was a read in because we would talk to other classes the were ahead of use and we could see what test and chapters were going to be on that’s what I liked my 6th grade teacher.

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